Aluminum pressure vessel tubing, Hydrogen pressure vessel aluminum tube

Aluminum pressure vessel tubing, Hydrogen pressure vessel aluminum tube

Aluminum pressure vessels refer to containers made of aluminum alloy materials for storing various gases or liquids.
One of the most used aluminum alloys, 6061, is widely utilized in gas cylinders.
Shanghai Yinggui mainly provides components for various industrial applications. Like other materials, sheet shape, thickness, size, etc. can be customized.

1, What is an aluminum pressure vessel or hydrogen pressure vessel?

Aluminum pressure vessels refer to containers made of aluminum alloy materials for storing various gases or liquids.

According to their structural form, aluminum pressure vessels can be divided into the following types:

1. Gas cylinder: A gas cylinder is an aluminum container used to store compressed air, hydrogen, helium, and other gases. Gas cylinders are mainly used in applications that require mobility, such as diving, firefighting, aerospace, etc.

2. Fuel tank: A fuel tank is an aluminum container used to store various liquid fuels. Fuel tanks are mainly used in transportation, motor vehicles, aircraft, and other fields.

3. Spherical container: The spherical container is an aluminum pressure vessel with a simple structure and high strength. It is mainly used in liquefied gas storage and transportation, natural gas storage, and other fields.

4. Membrane hydrogen storage container: The membrane hydrogen storage container is a new type of aluminum pressure vessel, mainly used to store hydrogen. Membrane hydrogen storage containers have the advantages of large storage capacity and long service life and have broad application prospects in the field of hydrogen energy.

What is the most common aluminum alloy used in pressure vessel bottles?

High-performance metals and composites are just a couple of the materials that can be used to create pressure vessel bottles. Due to its great efficiency and affordable price, aluminum is one of the materials that is utilized the most frequently among them.

Three of the most significant characteristics that aluminum offers are its light weight, durability, and corrosion resistance. Aluminum has numerous beneficial qualities. Any procedure handling gas cylinders may handle dozens or even hundreds of cylinders at once, depending on their weight. The tank's portability for storage and transportation is crucial.

Cylinders are also under a lot of pressure; a rupture or puncture could result in a hazardous situation. Aluminum is sturdy and long-lasting enough to endure accidental knocks and hits without suffering any significant harm.

Finally, the kinds of materials present in cylinders have the potential to be exceedingly poisonous and destroy metals, especially over time. Metal valves and other parts utilized with the cylinders, as well as the metal tanks themselves, are all exceptionally resistant to corrosion when made of aluminum alloys.

One of the most used aluminum alloys, 6061, is widely utilized in gas cylinders. It can be found in a wide variety of tanks and bottles and is by far the most often used alloy for pressure vessel bottles. For instance, this alloy is frequently used to make the oxygen tanks that scuba divers utilize. 6061 is highly valued for its resistance to seawater corrosion, which is a significant issue with dive tanks. Tanks for nitrous oxide are likewise fabricated from 6061 aluminum.

Aluminum pressure vessel tubing, Hydrogen pressure vessel aluminum tube

2, Chemical Composition of aluminum pressure vessel tubing

AlloyChemical Component(%)

3, Aluminum pressure vessel tubing specifications

Product nameAluminum pressure vessel tubing, Hydrogen pressure vessel pipes
WeightCustomized according to customer requirements
Wall ThicknessCustomized according to customer requirements
Material6061 Aluminum Alloy
Max Pressure20mpa/200bar/3000psi or customizable
DiameterWithin 700mm

4, Characteristics of aluminum pressure vessel

Compared with pressure vessels made of other materials, aluminum pressure vessels have the following characteristics:
1. Aluminum pressure vessels are lighter and easier to move and carry since the density of the alloy is lower.
2. Resistance to corrosion: Aluminum alloy exhibits good corrosion resistance and may successfully prevent corrosion of the internal medium.
3. High strength: Aluminum alloy has good toughness and strength, and it can continue to function normally under intense strain.
4. High safety: Aluminum pressure vessels are extremely safe and can provide stable internal medium storage even in the most adverse circumstances.

5, Application of aluminum pressure vessel

Aluminum pressure vessels are widely used in industry and aviation, mainly including the following aspects:
1. Industrial sector: In the production process, aluminum pressure vessels are mostly utilized for storage and transportation. For example, pressure vessels made of aluminum are used to store and transport liquefied gas.
2. Aviation: Aluminum pressure vessels are portable and simple to use aboard aircraft since they are lightweight, very durable, and corrosion-resistant.
3. The hydrogen energy sector: Hydrogen is a significant new energy source, but the development of hydrogen energy technology has always been hampered by the lack of adequate hydrogen storage. Membrane hydrogen storage containers, a new class of aluminum pressure vessels, have numerous potential uses in the hydrogen energy sector.

Aluminum pressure vessel tubing, Hydrogen pressure vessel aluminum tube

Aluminum pressure vessel tubing, Hydrogen pressure vessel aluminum tube

Aluminum pressure vessel tubing, Hydrogen pressure vessel aluminum tube

6. Main aluminum alloy product brand list

2A11(LY11)Al Cu4MgSiA201724534д1/1110

2A12(LY12)AlCu4MgSi1A202424530д16/1160EN AW-2024/AlCu4Mg1AlCuMg2/3.13552024(A-U4G1)

2A14(LD10)AlCu4MgSiA201424345AK8/1380EN AW-2014/AlCu4MgAlCuSiMn/3.12552014(A-U4SG)2014(H15)2014/A92014

2014AlCu4SiMgA201424345AK8/1380EN AW-2014/AlCu4SiMgAlCuSiMn/3.12552014(A-U4SG)2014(H15)2014/A92014

EN AW-2014/AlCu4SiMg(A)


2017AAlCu4MgSi(A)A2017A24534AK21/1120EN AW-2017A/AlCu4MgSi(A)AlCuMg1/3.13252017A(A-U4G)
2024AlCu4Mg1A202424530д16/1160EN AW-2024/AlCu4Mg1AlCuMg2/3.13552024(A-U4G1)


EN AW-2618/AlCu2Mg1.5Ni
AMr2/1520EN AW-5052/AlMn2.5AlMg2.5/3.35235052(A-G2.5C)5052(NS4)5052/A95052
AMг5/1550EN AW-5019/AlMg5AlMg5/3.3555

5005AlMg1(B)A500551000-AAMr1/1510EN AW-5005/AlMg1(B)
AMr2/1520EN AW-5052/AlMg2.5AlMg2.5/3.35235052(A-G2.5C)5052(2L55)5052/A95052
EN AW-5083/AlMg4.5Mn0.7
AMr4/1540EN AW-5086/AlMg4AlMg4Mn/3.35455086(A-G4MC)
6061(LD30)AlSi1MgCuA606165032Aд33/1330EN AW-6061/AlMg1SiCuAlMgSi1Cu/3.23116061(A-GSUC)6061(N20/H20)6061/A96061

EN AW-6101A/E-AlMgSiE-AlMgSi0.5/3.2207

7A09(LC9)AlZn5.5MgCuA707576528B95/1950EN AW-7075/AlZn5.5MgCuAlZnMgCu1.5/3.43657075(A-Z5GU)7075(C77S)7075/A97075
7075AlZn5.5MgCuA707576528B95/1950EN AW-7075/AlZn5.5MgCuAlZnMgCu1.5/3.43657075(A-Z5GU)7075(C77S)7075/A97075

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